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Mi resta solo un dente e cerco di riavvitarlo (I only have one tooth left and I try to screw it back in)

7 October 2023

Elio e le storie tese present “MI RESTA SOLO UN DENTE E CERCO DI RIAVVITARLO (I only have one tooth left and I try to screw it back in)”

‘Mi resta un solo dente e cerco di riavvitarlo’ is a picaresque musical journey through the old repertoire… (and then some…!) of Elio e le Storie Tese. An insane and reasoned radiography of our homeland, Terra dei Cachi 2023, where jargon, irony, surreal incursions and absurdist philosophy draw a grotesque and contemporary Italiote beautiful country, populated by fashionable and adrenalin-pumping handsome men or unlikely mussel breeders, by dishonoured honourable men or organic/transgenic farmers, by bizarre animals from fantastic bestiaries or by hippies who are now out of time and out of their depth. Songs, monologues, musical jokes, virtuosic instrumental performances, as is in the group’s mythical and identifying style.

7th october 9.00 pm, Ariston theatre

Admission prices: stalls € 45.00+4.00 advance sale – € 40.00+4.00 advance sale – € 35.00+4.00 advance sale – gallery € 35.00+3.00 advance sale – € 30.00+3.00 advance sale – € 25.00+3.00 advance sale.


7 October 2023
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