Concerts on the lake

Concerts on the lake

The beloved concert series in the village of Lucinasco is back! Event organized by the Nardini Cultural Music Association, with Artistic Director Tiziana Zunino, in collaboration with Lucinasco Parish and Pastor Don Stefano Mautone. More information:...
Concerts on the lake

Concerts on the lake

The beloved concert series in the village of Lucinasco is back! Event organized by the Nardini Cultural Music Association, with Artistic Director Tiziana Zunino, in collaboration with Lucinasco Parish and Pastor Don Stefano Mautone. More information:...
Concerts on the lake

Concerts on the lake

The beloved concert series in the village of Lucinasco is back! Event organized by the Nardini Cultural Music Association, with Artistic Director Tiziana Zunino, in collaboration with Lucinasco Parish and Pastor Don Stefano Mautone. More information:...
Concerto in Rezzo

Concerto in Rezzo

La location: Rezzo Un borgo immerso nel verde del Parco delle Alpi Liguri, dove stare a contatto con la natura, scoprire i sapori della tradizione e ammirare la secolare arte degli scalpellini. Rezzo e la sue frazioni nascondono dei tesori inaspettati da scoprire....